
legal disclosure

privacy policy




Nov 18, 2021

Your access to and use of this website www.lombokcare.org  referred to as “Site” is subject to our Privacy Policy and the below disclaimers.  By accessing and browsing this Site, you accept and adhere, without limitation or qualification to our Privacy Policy and the following disclaimers.

1. LombokCare Foundation

Stichting LombokCare‘ is an official registered Dutch Foundation, located at:
Dorpstraat 23
6102 TP Echt
The Netherlands

‘Yayasan LombokCare‘ is an official registered Indonesian Foundation, located at:
Jalan Biduri, Aik Are, Tunjung Are,
Batulayar, West Lombok
83355 West Nusa Tenggara


Next to our Site, LombokCare Foundation is also active on the following Social Media Accounts:

Any other account or platform using the name LombokCare is not under our control and we accept no responsibility whatsoever for any information shared on such platforms with regard to LombokCare Foundation. 


Unless otherwise stated, LombokCare Foundation and/or it’s licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on our Site and on all social media platforms under our control.  All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view and/or print pages from https://lombokcare.org for your own personal use subject to restrictions as set out below.

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Donations made through a payment provider are subject to a platform fee and transfer fees, which is different for each payment provider. 

These transfer fees can be avoided if you opt for a direct back transfer to Lombokcare Foundation.

The payment providers on our website facilitate donation transfers as follows:

  • Donations made in Euro’s (EUR) through Stripe 
  • Donations made in Australian Dollars (AUD) through Stripe 
  • Donations made in Indonesian Rupiahs (IDR) through Midtrans

Payment Provider Fees:

  • Stripe: 2.9% of the donated amount + 30 cents per successful card charge. 
  • Midtrans: depending on the payment method (see: https://midtrans.com/id/pricing


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Some of the content on www.lombokcare.org is presented in the Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF). You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader version 9.0 or later to view these documents. Please visit the link below to download and install the latest version of the Reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Some of our pages contain embedded content such as YouTube video and you may receive cookies delivered from these websites. LombokCare Foundation does not govern the publication of third-party cookies. To understand more about their cookies and privacy statements, please visit the relevant sites.


  • The Site and the information contained herein is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. LombokCare Foundation disclaims all warranties with respect to the Site, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of non-infringement, title, merchantability, quiet enjoyment, quality of information and fitness for a particular purpose. 
  • LombokCare Foundation reserves the right to make changes, corrections and/or improvements to the information contained on our Site, at any time without notice.
  • Information on the Site is provided with the understanding that LombokCare Foundation is not rendering professional advice or recommendations. You should not rely on any information on these pages to replace consultations with qualified professionals to meet your individual needs.

legal disclosure

privacy policy



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