Dynamic Studio is one of the largest group fitness centers in Mataram City which provides various sports classes such as aerobics, zumba, yoga, strong nation and even more. LombokCare’s collaboration with Dynamic Studio began with frequent visits, especially by the duo Mr. Eko and Mrs. Ning. Members from Dynamic Studio are very excited to see the movement of LombokCare, not infrequently they also introduce LombokCare to their relationships.
They are not only taking care of their own health and strength, though they create opportunities for children with a disability to do the same in our rehabilitation program

Since the beginning of 2021, LombokCare and Dynamic Studio started running a program called BUGAR BERSAMA which means ‘Fit Together’ and is held every Friday afternoon at the LombokCare Hall. Bugar bersama is a group fitness activity in which the local community of LombokCare’s environment are participating in on a regular basis. This unique collaboration aims to create awareness towards society that by participating in this program, they are not only taking care of their own health and strength, though they create opportunities for children with a disability to do the same in our rehabilitation program, given the fact that this small fee that they pay each lesson is considered as a donation.
Small fees that participating members pay each lesson are considered as a donation.