

“The world needs all kinds of minds,
they colour a rainbow of possibilities”



Our educational curriculum is not only about academic aspects but merely focused on sensory motor development through all forms of art, daily activity training, communication skills, livelihood and other beneficial life skills.


The learning system given to children is packaged in a fun way so that it is made easy to understand by using interesting and innovative media for children to explore.


While engaging families and communities, children build confidence to socialise.


Striving to make these children ready to actively participate in society.



To provide educational services for children with various types of disabilities who have never received formal education or have dropped out of other schools, to both optimise their capabilities to be as independent as possible, as well as to increase their confidence to socialise so they can actively participate in society.

meet our

Education Coordinator

& Principal

Ridho is a teacher who has joined LombokCare since September 2015. With his team of 7 teachers, he manages to give educational services to 45 children. 

– M. Rasyid Ridho, S.Pd

Our School’s


We aim to provide a diverse range of accessible and disability friendly learning environments. 

Individualized Education

All children at LombokCare have their own individual plan, including all aspects needed to support their growth and development

Small Classes
We have small classes due to low teacher-to-student ratios. We choose quality over quantity.
Creative Resources
Learning materials do not always have to be expensive. All materials adding up to sensory integration is of much value to us.
Extracurricular Activities
Learning out-doors is not only well-wished for by our children but also needed to stimulate overall inclusiveness of our society.
Technology In the Classroom
In this digital era we can’t stay behind. Using technology like projectors and sound installations are much needed for our visual and auditory learners.
Nederlands English Indonesian