Approaches to strengthen communities through arts and culture is still relatively unknown in NTB, even though conveying something pleasantly will make it easy for people to understand and touch their hearts. LombokCare took advantage of this opportunity in conducting advocacy. One of them is by collaborating with the ERKAEM Community.
Approaches to strengthen communities through arts and culture is still relatively unknown in NTB
The ERKAEM Community, also known as the Montong Cat House is a community that provides space for creative ideas from artists. Having the same view as LombokCare which is “always trying to maximize their limitations and develop their potentials”, the two of them have a fairly strong relationship not only in the art movement but also in daily life.

LombokCare’s movement to advocate through the arts was well responded and supported by ERKAEM. In practice, the partnership with ERKAEM is carried out in the form of involvement of each party in the activities that are being carried out, resulting in various collaborations, such as:
- ERKAEM’s artists who are never absent as guest stars in LombokCare activities
- LombokCare’s team and children who participate in ERKAEM’s performances or concerts
- Sharing experiences
Erkaem’s artist are never absent as guest stars in LombokCare events and activities

The power of the merging of the enthousiasm of LombokCare and ERKAEM always results in new ideas that can provoke the community in a positive sense.