
Our Story

Highlights Over the Years



That moment when Family Schreurs founded the Dutch ‘stichting’ LombokCare


First kids

In this year we started receiving and guiding our first kids


Officially 'Yayasan'

We established LombokCare in Indonesia officially on the 7th of June 2012


Community Based Program

We kicked off our first community based rehabilitation program in this year


70+ Kids Annually

On this year managed to guide 70+ children on an annual basis


Lombok Earthquakes

Conducting Emergency relief programs after 5 major devastating earthquakes in Lombok


2 Accreditations

Accreditation ‘A’ (Min. of Social Affairs) and Accreditation ‘B’ (Min. of Education) for our Special School


Construction Phase

When we started building this wonderful place in a place called Sandik in West Lombok


Small team

It all started with a small team. Lot’s of focus on capacity building


Special School

Officially registered and acknowledged as a special school at the Ministry of Education


National Registration

Received an official acknowledgement from the Indonesian National Government


First Big Inclusive Event

The first time we organised a big inclusive event on the International Day for people with a Disability


Alma the Movie

Produced our first ever high quality movie to advocate societies on the beauty of diversity


170+ Kids Annually

Our team has managed to guide at least 170 children on an annual basis!


That moment when Family Schreurs founded the Dutch ‘stichting’ LombokCare

First kids

In this year we started receiving and guiding our first kids

Officially 'Yayasan'

We established LombokCare in Indonesia officially on the 7th of June 2012

Community Based Program

We kicked off our first community based rehabilitation program in this year

70+ Kids Annually

On this year managed to guide 70+ children on an annual basis

Lombok Earthquakes

Conducting Emergency relief programs after 5 major devastating earthquakes in Lombok

2 Accreditations

Accreditation ‘A’ (Min. of Social Affairs) and Accreditation ‘B’ (Min. of Education) for our Special School


Construction Phase

When we started building this wonderful place in a place called Sandik in West Lombok

Small team

It all started with a small team. Lot’s of focus on capacity building

Special School

Officially registered and acknowledged as a special school at the Ministry of Education

National Registration

Received an official acknowledgement from the Indonesian National Government

First Big Inclusive Event

The first time we organised a big inclusive event on the International Day for people with a Disability

Alma the Movie

Produced our first ever high quality movie to advocate societies on the beauty of diversity

170+ Kids Annually

Our team has managed to guide at least 170 children on an annual basis!

Where There Is A Will

There Is A Way


It started all in 1980, when Christ and Gerda Schreurs from The Netherlands went to Indonesia for the first time to go back to the roots of Gerda, whose mother was born in Ambarawa (Central of Java). Impressed by the beauty and diversity of Indonesia, Christ and Gerda decided to go back to Indonesia with their daughters Debbie and Mindie in 1992. After having seen Java and Bali on their holidays, they decided to explore the island Lombok in 1995.

“They are supposed to be able to eat and go to school, just like we do”

Since then the family kept on going back there as often as they could. Not only because of the beauty of the island and the people, but also due to ‘the other side of the beauty’, the shock of the poverty. Old people searching for food in the garbage cans, begging children near the big roads. All impressions resulted in a response: “They are supposed to be able to eat and go to school, just like we do”. At that age already they wanted to help people. They wanted to make a difference.

From 2006 till 2008 they learned a lot about the culture and also learned the language. Family Schreurs started off helping people by providing clothes and food to the poor.

More and more people wanted to contribute, but also more and more people asked for help. After a couple of years they saw so many things they could improve with the resources they had available, that they decided to start LombokCare in the Netherlands in 2008. In 2012 LombokCare was officially registered as a Foundation in Indonesia.


It started all in 1980, when Christ and Gerda Schreurs from The Netherlands went to Indonesia for the first time to go back to the roots of Gerda, whose mother was born in Ambarawa (Central of Java). Impressed by the beauty and diversity of Indonesia, Christ and Gerda decided to go back to Indonesia with their daughters Debbie and Mindie in 1992. After having seen Java and Bali on their holidays, they decided to explore the island Lombok in 1995.

“They are supposed to be able to eat and go to school, just like we do”

Since then the family kept on going back there as often as they could. Not only because of the beauty of the island and the people, but also due to ‘the other side of the beauty’, the shock of the poverty. Old people searching for food in the garbage cans, begging children near the big roads. All impressions resulted in a response: “They are supposed to be able to eat and go to school, just like we do”. At that age already they wanted to help people. They wanted to make a difference.

From 2006 till 2008 they learned a lot about the culture and also learned the language. Family Schreurs started off helping people by providing clothes and food to the poor.

More and more people wanted to contribute, but also more and more people asked for help. After a couple of years they saw so many things they could improve with the resources they had available, that they decided to start LombokCare in the Netherlands in 2008. In 2012 LombokCare was officially registered as a Foundation in Indonesia.


& Proud

Looking back on the past few years, I can only say that I am feeling extremely thankful and proud of the fantastic results achieved by LombokCare Foundation Indonesia. Wonderful leadership, a beautiful team, optimized functioning facilities and most importantly, the many children who come to the foundation every day with great pleasure for therapy treatment or/and for education.
If we can continue like this in the years to come, I am convinced that we can help many more children to a better future. This stunning progress has been made possible thanks to our fantastic donors, large and small, who have been supporting us so wonderfully in recent years. On behalf of the boards and members of LombokCare Foundation I would like to thank you very much for this.

 – Christiaan Schreurs –
Founder & Chairman LombokCare Foundation the Netherlands

Nederlands English Indonesian