
Projects For Communities

Community Sharing Sessions


Inclusive Events

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Community Sharing Sessions


Inclusive Events

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

“We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change”

Community Sharing Sessions

In Indonesia still many people with disabilities are hidden in society, resulting in this issue named disability ignorance. Just because these disabilities are not being seen, in fact 90% of disabilities actually are invisible, it doesn’t mean we cannot do anything about it. 

Sharing the inspiring and moving stories of our children to LombokCare’s visitors has been proven to be a very effective way to achieve basic awareness. One example of our community guests visiting LombokCare is Islamic Boarding School Nurul Haramain from Narmada. Their eagerness to learn about children with disabilities resulted in many questions related to types of disabilities/disorders, assessment processes and materials or methods that could be supporting them in their plans towards an inclusive boarding school. 

One other example is the film-making community named ‘Basement’, who gather on a regular basis at LombokCare for movie-nights in which they showcase the films made by young talented filmmakers in this province. LombokCare efforts to inspire them to join in our disability and inclusive awareness movement. 



As a follow up after community sharing sessions, we are open to provide catchy and touching workshops as an effort to convey a basic of understanding about disabilities, accessibility and inclusion issues. 

This introduction-level course is designed to give participants of a range of audiences, like principles, teachers, volunteers, administrative staff, nurses, midwifes, village cadres and others, both:

  • information about different disability types and issues related to stigma and prejudice about disabilities
  • information about the importance of early detection and early interventions for a child’s growth and development as a method to prevent severe disabilities
  • the experience of how it’s like to face different kind of barriers that persons with disabilities are challenged by on daily basis
  • ideas and inspiration to adapt their field of work / sports / recreation o.e. more accessible and inclusive for children (and adults) with disabilities.

“Nothing will ever become real

until it has been experienced” 

“A community that excludes even one member is not a community at all”

Inclusive Events

In carrying out inclusive events, LombokCare certainly does not stand alone. LombokCare’s partners include government agencies, schools, universities, institutions, organisations, and communities with various backgrounds.

The inclusive events can be said to be an impact of our advocation program, the more active we expose our activities, the more third parties that become interested in collaborating projects. By increasing our partnerships / collaboration, we aim to activate an adaptation process of new inclusive values resulting in new knowledge, ideas, innovations, creativity, professionalism, enthusiasm for work and other positive things. One of our sustainable relationships is with the eRKaeM, a community focused on Art & Culture that provides space for creative ideas from artists. Having the same vision as LombokCare which is “always trying to maximize ones limitations and develop ones potentials”, the two of them have a fairly strong relationship not only in the art movement but also in daily life. LombokCare’s inclusive movement through arts was well responded and supported by eRKaeM. Some of LombokCare’s children have been asked to participate in some concerts.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

International Day of People with a Disability which falls every 3rd of December is a momentum for the world community to be more aware of issues experienced around disabilities. This commemoration aims to support persons with disabilities to get their rights, promote equality, and provide opportunities for participation in all aspects of state and community life.

In Indonesia, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebration is one of the manifestations of fulfilling Indonesia’s mission towards inclusion and disability friendly. Like the government, LombokCare, as one of the driving forces in disability issues, participates in celebrating this special day.

For us, this is a moment to advocate for the community and show that people with disabilities, especially children with disabilities, should be seen as every other human, who all have different though valuable abilities. LombokCare intents to facilitate an unforgettable impression, knowing that this feeling of togetherness will move peoples hearts to action.

“There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more.”

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