
Projects For their families

Therapy training for parents

Family Sharing Sessions

Family Support Events

Therapy Training For Parents

Family Sharing Sessions

Family Support Events


Therapy Training for Parents

This therapy training program given by the therapist to parents about in therapeutic procedures / techniques according to the type of therapy and the needs of each child as a basis for carrying out simple therapy exercises at home. The training are done in special sessions, during the therapy session for the child and in parent consultation sessions.

The purpose of the training is to improve the ability of parents in the therapy process at home to maximize children’s development with simple manuals and simple therapy tools that are available and can be prepared at home. Several types of training that have been given include; Cough and cold massage techniques, Relaxation massage, motion stimulation, and warming up stretching techniques.

Besides providing exercises, the therapists also aim to give parents insights about how to use cheap and useful materials that most people have at home, for therapy purposes, like for example rope and cloth-spins for stimulating fine motor exercises.

The child only gets to spend 0,3% of its time in a therapy session. The resting 99,7% it’s their parents’ responsibility.

“It’s the parents that have and will become LombokCare’s most valuable social workers”


Family Sharing Sessions

Many families have to deal with negative stigma and prejudice about their child coming out of their near environment, resulting in feelings of insecurity, loneliness and incomprehension. That’s why we find it even more important to give our attention to parents for the sake of their child’s development.

These family sharing sessions are all about parents or other family members sharing their experiences, feelings and problems about their child’s development in small groups consisting of max. 10 parents. In smaller groups sharing will feel more familiar, secure and in-depth which makes it easier for parents to open up and connect with others. 

This group is usually facilitated by our social workers, though casually also supported by volunteers or experts in case wished for by the parents. The themes include; emotional management, parenting, parental cooperation, and many others. With this activity, it is hoped that parents will be able to get more positive energy so that they are more enthusiastic and won’t give up in assisting and fighting for their children’s rights.


Family Support Events

Many families, especially those from lower socio-economic societies, often don’t have access to information or professional care which results in a lack of knowledge about disabilities and often have no idea what is overcoming their child and their family.

Through our family support events we aim to provide assistance in the form of emotional support, knowledge about guiding children with a disability, improving and maintaining family relationships, as well as other support related to issues or challenges faced by children with a disability.

By inviting experts of any kind, whether it’s specialised doctors, experience experts or other professional, we create the opportunity for parents or family members to ask any kind of question related to their situations.

But most of all our goal is to inspire and motivate the child’s family members to learn of what ever situation or challenge they have to face. After all, they are the ones having the responsibility in supporting their child in any way possible. 

“A diagnose can’t predict the extraordinary love that they will have for their child”

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